Planning Your Childrens Birthday Party
Posted by Irena Koteva on Monday, January 19, 2009
Under: Birthday Gifts
Planning Your Childrens Birthday Party
By Slobodan Karabashev
Your only child is celebrating her first birthday party in a
month and all you can think about is how your friend was able to
hold a successful birthday party for hers a week ago. How did
she pull it off? Two things. Your friend might have secured the
services of a professional party planner, or she might been
really prepared and organized.
If you're working on a budget, then do it yourself children's
birthday party planning is your option. But don't fret just yet.
Just because you don't have enough financial ammo to hire a
professional, it doesn't mean that your child's party will flop.
With a little creativity and ingenuity, you can turn your kid's
birthday party into the envy of other parents. Play your cards
right and they will be talking about your event for days!
Now what do you need to look after when you're planning your
child's party? The basics. First, determine what time you want
to hold your event. Since you're dealing with children,
somewhere around 1:00PM to 4:00PM is the best time because you
won't require your guests to wake up too early for your event,
and you also will have enough time in the morning for last
minute preparations and changes.
However, since 1:00 to 4:00 is nap time for most kids, you can
adjust the time to have the party at 10:00AM.
Second, how should your invitations look? You don't have to
spend too much on the invites because what's important is that
the guests are informed of the event details. If you're having a
themed party, don't forget to include what kinds of costumes the
guests should wear. If you're planning on a water party, remind
them to bring their bathing suits and a change of clothes.
Third, who should be there? Well, this is easy. Ask your child
who she wants to be there. Family members are a non-argument;
they must be present. Her friends, of course, should be there,
too. Also, if your friends have children whose ages are nearer
to your child's, invite them also, so your child can meet new
people and socialize.
Fourth, what kind of entertainment will you be having? Since
you're on a budget, you can forego hiring clowns and magicians
and focus on preparing fun games, instead. Search the Internet
for a listing of exciting children's birthday party games.
These are just the most basic of the things you need to worry
about if you're planning your child's birthday party yourself.
There's also the goodie bag, whether or not you will hand some
out to your guests, and what to put inside it.
The food is another factor. Just keep it simple because
children go to your party for the games and the entertainment
and don't usually focus much on the food. Of course, serve
something that interests their palate but does not scrimp on
health values. Here's a tip: to make a healthy snack look
interesting, use food coloring or arrange it in a way that's
colorful and enticing for a child.
Kids recall what they did at a party much more than what they
put in their tummies, so in order for your event to be declared
a success, go all out with the games. Don't forget the prizes!
About the Author: Low Jeremy maintains This content is
provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with
all links included.
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